Deqo is licensed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services and are able to care for children ranging in ages of 6 weeks to 12 years old. DHS qualified staff are present during operating hours. Our ratios are within the DHS guidelines of 1:4 staff to infants (ages 6 weeks to 16 months), 1:7 staff to toddlers (16 months-33 months), 1:10 staff to preschoolers (33 months until first day of kindergarten), and 1:15 staff to school-agers (kindergarten to 12 years).
Deqo's hours and availability will vary from site to site. Please contact with the site nearest you for hours of operation and availability . We are closed the following holidays: Memorial Day, Independance Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Columbus Day, and Presidents Day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, we are closed the Friday before: on a Sunday, we are closed the Monday after.
Parents and children will visit our center prior to their start date, for an orientation tour and meeting with the Director. We invite parents of enrolled children to visit the center at any time during hours of operation. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk with center staff. We encourage open communication! Parents may review the center’s Child Care Program Plan upon request to the center’s Director. The Director (who is MN DHS Child Care Teacher qualified) reviews the curriculum and Child Care Program Plan annually.
No person will be excluded from admission because of
race, color, national origin, sex, religion or disability.
Unless the child has arrived on center transportation or a school bus (at which a center staff person will meet the child), Parents must walk their child(ren) into the center and sign in / out their child. Parents must inform the staff if someone other than the parent or guardian will be picking the child up and complete a Parental Authorization Form, if the individual is not listed on the child’s Emergency Care/Authorized pick-up list. The individual will be asked to present photo identification in the form of a driver’s license or state ID. If we do not have authorization or the person does not have proper identification the child will not be released. Children must be picked up by that child’s contracted or designated pick-up time. The late fee is $1.00 per minute after your arranged pick up time and/or after center closing. Parents are responsible for any late fees incurred for their child, and will be invoiced for such.
Deqo Centers use appropriately insured and equipped vans for transporting students to and from school and program events. Drivers have the appropriate license and training, and children will be appropriately restrained in the vehicles while being transported.
Children must be able to participate in all program designated activities. This includes walks, field trips, playground and other activities.
The center will offer student assessments and parent-teacher conferences twice each school year. These conferences are intended to strengthen the partnership among Parents/Guardians, and Staff. These conferences will include basic assessments of the child’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development, with the goal of providing another indicator of the child’s success and how we can together best serve the child.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to speak with center staff at any time if issues arise. If your needs require further attention, please bring your grievance to the Director. If you do not feel your problem was addressed properly by the director, please write: Deqo Family Center LLC, Attn: Company Agent, 2828 University Ave SE, Minneapolis MN 55414. All grievances will be addressed within 3 business days.
Minnesota Law requires all children enrolling in a licensed child care facility to provide evidence of immunizations. A Health Care Summary Form must be completed and submitted for every child who will be attending Deqo. Deqo must also have documentation of your child's immunization at the time of enrollment, a signed notarized statement of parental objection to the immunization, or a medical exemption. If a Health Care Summary form is not completed, under MN Law your child will not be able to attend Deqo.
Parents will be notified immediately by telephone when a child becomes sick at the center. The child will be separated from the other children but within sight and hearing of a staff member. . The child will be made as comfortable as possible until the child’s parent arrives. If parents cannot be reached, the child’s emergency contacts will be notified. If neither the parent nor the designated persons can be reached, the staff will determine if the child’s condition warrants medical attention.
The center will obtain written parental permission before a child is involved in educational research or public relations activity involving a child while at the center. A separate written permission form will be obtained before each occasion or on a form that annually summarizes all research and public relations activities that will be undertaken. The permission form will be maintained in the child’s record.
The center will provide meals and snacks for children in attendance. The center follows the USDA recommended guidelines for meal planning and portion sizes, and follows food service procedures as required by the state and county.
Center staff will focus on a positive approach to behavior through positive role modeling. Reinforcement of desirable, appropriate behavior will encourage children to conduct themselves in a positive manner. Parents and staff will cooperate to set expectations based on the child’s developmental needs. If the child demonstrates inappropriate behavior, the staff member will immediately discuss the situation with the child, so he or she will understand why the behavior is not appropriate and gain learning regarding what behavior would be a more appropriate choice.